Baby Roadmap

Baby Samo is a meme-forward coin with a serious mission. Baby Samo works to solve illiquid NFT’s by programming demand into the $BABY Tokenomics.

We will be donating 10% of all minting proceeds and 50% of all royalties to Not-for-Profit charities selected by the Arf Arf Army.

There is a 10% (1bn) distribution of $BABY coin allocated for expanded marketing efforts and giveaways to the Arf Arf Army..

Marketing and more

October 2021
Baby Samo is Born
In October of 2021 something incredible happened, a Baby Samoyed puppy was born on the Solana blockchain! Baby Samo Coin ($BABY) is an opportunity for a new generation of meme-powered gains wrapped in the cutest package ever seen in the Solana ecosystem.
November 10th 2021
Raydium Swap and Liquidity
We are available on one of Solana's biggest decentralized exchanges. Swap your or provide liquidity in permissionless liquidity pool.
November 13th 2021
Baby Samo Genesis NFT collection
The Baby Samo team launched the Baby Samo Genesis NFT collection in conjunction with the launch of Baby Samo Coin. The Genesis NFT’s serve as a $BABY coin store of value because the NFT’s can be exchanged and burned for $BABY coins at any time.

Baby Samo Genesis NFTs are backed by 20% (2bn) of the total supply and based on amount currently minted, each Genesis NFT is worth $2.4kWe use 1/2 the minting proceeds to buyback and on the open market, pumping the underlying value the Genesis NFTs.
We got listed !!
$BABY Samo Coin is now listed on CoinMarketCap and Coin Gecko.
November 19th 2021
Farming on Cropper Finance
Farming available on cropper finance!
21st November 2021
We have bought-back 114.694 MILLION on the open market, at a value of $168,859 USD! This will be sent to the burn address
Baby samo burn lauched
Burn your NFT and receive $BABY.
This utility is automated utilizing our custom designed code. We believe this function will be disruptive to the way NFT’s are utilized and valued by the broader market.
December 2021
We will be donating 10% of all minting proceeds and 50% of all royalties to Not-for-Profit charities selected by the Arf Arf Army.
The Arf Arf Army is making a real difference in the World outside of crypto! With 10% of mint proceeds, we will donate 225  Solana. The positive impacts of Baby Samo Coin will extend far beyond the Metaverse and into the real world via regularly scheduled charitable donations to Not-for-Profit Organizations.
Giving back is one of the key pillars of the Baby Samo project.
December 16th 2021
Baby Samo purchases of SMB #2619 & SMB #4958 for the Baby Samo NFT vault
The Monkes will be tokenized and distributed to $BABY holders based on amount of $BABY owned.
We're on a constant mission to add value to $BABY and Baby Samo Genesis NFTs. Join the MonkeyDAO helps us provide more value to our community.
December 21st 2021
You You can now use your $BABY to play on Solcasino
At long last, holders can stake their Genesis Baby Samo NFT to earn 20% (2bn) of the total $BABY supply.

December 23rd 2021
Staking goes LIVE!
At long last, holders can stake their Genesis Baby Samo NFT to earn 20% (2bn) of the total $BABY supply.

January 2022
Baby Samo begins to Set up LLC in Wyoming
Baby Samo is on a serious mission, which means being taken seriously as a legal entity. We believe it's crucial for cryptocurrency projects to abide by rules and regulations. Cryptocurrency projects like ourselves are growing and developing rapidly and we believe the best way forward for this industry is establish projects legally and transparently.
January 2022
Partnerships and collaborations
There is a 10% (1bn) distribution of $BABY coin allocated for expanded marketing efforts and giveaways to the Arf Arf Army. The Baby Samo team will also work directly with other NFT projects within the Solana ecosystem; adding value to both communities in the form of collaborated giveaways.

"We are so excited to show you what the Team has been working on behind the scenes. Lots of exciting partnerships and collaborations are underway"

- Baby Samo Devs

Disclaimer: The information provided shall not in any way constitute a recommendation as to whether you should invest in any product discussed. Baby Samo Coin’s team accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material provided or published. Baby Samo is not a security as per US financial regulation, Europe, UK, Canada, or any other regulation. Baby Samo’s team, developers, and other stakeholders created this as a fun community token only. The ownership of $BABY coin does not give any right of return, vote, management, or any other right. @2022