Baby Samo FAQ

What is Baby Samo Coin?

Baby Samo is a meme-forward coin with serious plans. The primary goal of Baby Samo Coin is to add value to the Solana NFT ecosystem by helping bridge the gaps between decentralized finance and NFT technology. With the help of our community, the Arf Army we will make a positive impact by donating 50 percent of the secondary market proceeds from our NFT’sto charity!  

When does $BABY launch, what exchanges will it be listed on?

As we are working tirelessly to bring $BABY to the community in conjunction with the Baby Samo Gensis NFT mint, we are aiming for launch very soon however quality and a smooth seamless launch are our teams' primary concerns. Stay active on our discord for the upcoming release date announcement! We are currently in the process of becoming listed on either raydium or dexlab and will keep you up to date on our status

What is the Baby Samo NFT collection and when does it come out?

The genesis Baby Samo NFT’s will be a collection of 10,000 unique NFT's that will serve as a $BABY Coin store of value because they can be exchanged and burned for 200,000 $BABY Coins at any time. The intrinsic value of the Baby Samo genesis NFT’s will increase as the price of $BABY increases overtime. Scarcity will rise when holders decide to exchange and burn their Baby Samo NFT’s for $BABY. The remaining 20% of the total $baby supply in the buyback pool will be used for future BabySamo NFT projects! (edited)
[4:05 PM]
The Baby Samo Coin team is set to launch the Baby Samo genesis NFT soon after the launch of ($BABY) for a mint price of .15 SOL.

Who is eligible for the airdrop of $BABY and what is the total coin allocation?

10% of the total $BABY supply is allocated to a publicly distributed airdrop. The airdrop will provide 100,000 $BABY tokens per person, and will be available to the first 10,000 people that complete the airdrop request form. If there are less than 10,000 people that participate in the publicly distributed airdrop, the remaining $BABY coins will be burned. Additional airdrops be given from a 10% distribution of $BABY coin allocated for expanded marketing efforts and giveaways to the Arf Arf Army community. $BABY will be distributed to early adopters of Baby Samo Coin given the “OG Role” or "BabySamoHero Role" via the official Baby Samo Coin Discord server.

Where can I mint NFT?

We will post the address of the mint website before launch on 11/13 @ 8pm EST.

What is the mint price?

The mint price is fluid, and will change  based on the price of $BABY, however the price will be capped at .95 Sol and is currently .95 sol unless given further notice

Total supply of the Baby Genesis NFT? 


How does the Baby Samo NFT reward holders?

The Baby Samo NFT can be burned and exchanged for at least 200,000 $BABY ( more Baby is allocated to an individual NFT burn depending on total supply minted) at any time when burn function is implemented (as soon as possible once minting is over)

When will staking be available?

Staking will be implemented after minting as soon as possible, we need time to polish burn function then will apply NFT staking in the near future as our main priority

How much in $BABY will I receive from staking?

Staking rewards will be determined based on the number of NFTs remaining and come from the extra 20% allotment of $BABY allotment that was meant for future NFT projects
Disclaimer: The information provided shall not in any way constitute a recommendation as to whether you should invest in any product discussed. Baby Samo Coin’s team accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material provided or published. Baby Samo is not a security as per US financial regulation, Europe, UK, Canada, or any other regulation. Baby Samo’s team, developers, and other stakeholders created this as a fun community token only. The ownership of $BABY coin does not give any right of return, vote, management, or any other right. @2022